Bengaluru: In two separate cases, the Karnataka High Court (HC) has held that the POCSO Act and IPC override Muslim personal law regarding age of marriage. In the first case, the HC rejected the contention that "under Mohammedan Law, the puberty is the consideration for marriage and normal puberty age is treated as 15 years and hence, no commission of offence under Section 9 and 10 of the Child Marriage Restrain Act," was committed.
Justice Rajendra Badamikar in his recent judgement said that, POCSO Act is a Special Act and it overrides personal law and under POCSO Act, the age for involving in sexual activities is 18 years." The court was hearing a petition for bail by a 27-year old Muslim man whose wife was 17 years of age and had become pregnant.
When she visited a hospital for check-up, the medical officer informed the police of her age and a case under Child Marriage Restrain Act and Protection of Children from Sexual Offence Act (POCSO) was filed against the husband. However, the court granted bail to the husband. It said, "Admittedly, the petitioner is the husband of the victim and looking to these facts and circumstances, there is no serious dispute regarding the marriage as the petitioner himself has produced the relevant documents before the Trial Court regarding the marriage. Considering the relationship of marriage, in my considered opinion, there is no impediment for admitting the petitioner on bail."