New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will on Saturday address the inaugural session of a joint conference of chief ministers and chief justices of high courts, an event which is being held after a gap of six years, in the presence of Chief Justice of India N V Ramana. The joint conference is an occasion for the Executive and the Judiciary to come together to create frameworks for simple and convenient delivery of justice and to discuss steps required to overcome the challenges facing the justice system, the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement on Friday. The last such conference was held on April 24, 2016.
"Since then, the government has taken various initiatives for improving infrastructure and integration of digital technology in court processes under eCourts Mission Mode Project," the statement said. Several chief ministers, including Yogi Adityanath (Uttar Pradesh), Naveen Patnaik (Odisha), Mamata Banerjee (West Bengal) and Basavraj Bommai (Karnataka) are likely to attend the conference. A proposal of CJI Ramana to develop infrastructure facilities in courts has been made part of the agenda of the conference.
The other items which top the agenda are filling judicial vacancies, reduction of pendency of cases, legal aid services and future road map and envisioning of e-courts phase-three, sources aware of the development said. CJI Ramana and Union Law Minister Kiren Rijiju will also address the inaugural session of the day-long event. After the inauguration of the conference, various working sessions will be held where the chief ministers and the chief justices will discuss the agenda items and try to reach a consensus.