Ferozepur:A month after the security lapse involving Prime Minister Narendra Modi occurred on January 5 in Punjab, the five-member committee set up by the Supreme Court reached the incident site at Ferozepur for the first time to probe the case on Sunday. The Supreme Court had set up a five-member committee on January 12, headed by retired top court judge Justice Indu Malhotra to probe into the security lapse.
Justice Indu Malhotra inspected the flyover on which the Prime Minister was stuck for nearly 15 to 20 minutes on his way to the public meeting in Ferozepur. She also went to the site where the rally was scheduled to take place. Justice Malhotra was accompanied by the DGP of Chandigarh, IG of the National Investigation Agency (NIA), ADGP Security of Punjab and the Registrar General of the Punjab and Haryana High Court.
READ:PM Modi's security breach a pre-planned, sponsored conspiracy, says Yogi Adityanath