New Delhi:With Gandhi Jayanti around the corner, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday urged the people to buy Khadi products to mark "Bapu's Jayanti with great fervour". Addressing the 81st episode of his monthly radio programme 'Mann Ki Baat', PM Modi remembered the contribution of Gandhi to the cleanliness movement and said "Mahatma Gandhi had associated cleanliness with the dream of independence".
"Bapu (Mahatma Gandhi) was a proponent of cleanliness, he made cleanliness a mass movement and associated it with the dream of independence," he said. He said the youth of today must know that how the cleanliness campaign had given constant energy to the freedom movement. "Today, after so many decades, the cleanliness movement has once again worked to connect the country with the dream of a new India," he said.
The Prime Minister pointed out that if we look at the life of Mahatma Gandhi, then we realise how important small things were in his life and how he had realised big resolutions by taking small things. Prime Minister Modi also talked about Azadi ka Amrut Mahotsav, and said, "Today in the 75th year of independence, we can say with satisfaction that the pride that Khadi had in the freedom movement, today our young generation is giving the same glory to Khadi."