New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that the Budget Session will be made as fruitful as possible and urged MPs to hold discussions with an open mind to take the country on the path of development.
Speaking ahead of the Budget Session, the Prime Minister said, "Budget Session commences today. I welcome all MPs to this session. In today's global situation, there are a lot of opportunities for India. This session instills confidence in the world regarding the country's economic progress, vaccination program, Made in India vaccines."
"In this Session too, discussions, issues of discussions and open-minded debates can become an important opportunity for global impact. I hope that all MPs, political parties will have quality discussions with an open mind and help take the country on the path to development swiftly," the Prime Minister added.
Ahead of Assembly elections to five states, PM Modi also said that polls affect the sessions and discussions and urged the MPs of all political parties to draw a "blueprint" for the entire year.