New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday said agencies and officials acting against the corrupt and corruption need not fear or be defensive while doing their work. Addressing an event at the Vigyan Bhawan here to mark the ongoing vigilance awareness week, Modi said the corrupt should not escape "at any cost" and they should not get political or social protection.
"Corruption is an evil we must stay away from...we have been trying to change the system made by 'abhaav' (lack) and 'dabaav' (pressure) in the last 8 years," he said. Modi said all government agencies should work to change the system and tradition of corruption as India is celebrating 75 years of independence.
He said the country needs to have "zero tolerance" for corruption in the administrative ecosystem and this would work for the idea of a developed India. The prime minister suggested that a ranking of government departments on anti-corruption efforts should be done and pending cases of corruption against officials decided in good time.