Amaravati/Hyderabad: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will launch thousands of crores of rupees worth initiatives and projects in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana on Saturday. Among those proposed were inauguration of the Rs 26,000 crore expansion and modernisation of HPCL's petroleum refinery, first phase of the new green campus of Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam and a cruise terminal at the Visakhapatnam Port in Andhra Pradesh. He will also address a public meeting.
Later, in the neighbouring Telangana, the Prime Minister would dedicate to the nation a fertilizer plant at Ramagundam, besides inaugurating and laying foundation stone for multiple development projects in the state. Modi would inaugurate the RFCL fertilizer plant at Ramagundam in Peddapalli district which has been revived at a cost of Rs 6,338 crore. Commercial production in the plant began last year.