New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday inaugurated the launch of 'Azadi Ke Amrit Mahotsav se Swarnim Bharat Ki Ore'. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is delivering the keynote address at the national launch ceremony of 'Azadi Ke Amrit Mahotsav se Swarnim Bharat Ke Ore' today via video conferencing. The program unveiled yearlong initiatives dedicated to Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav by the Brahma Kumaris, which include more than 30 campaigns and over 15000 programs and events.
During the event, Prime Minister flagged off seven initiatives of Brahma Kumaris. These include My India Healthy India, Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Self Reliant Farmers, Women: Flag Bearers of India, Power of Peace Bus Campaign, Andekha Bharat Cycle Rally, United India Motor Bike Campaign and green initiatives under Swachh Bharat Abhiyan.
Under Aatmanirbhar Bharat: Self Reliant Farmers, 75 Farmer Empowerment Campaigns, 75 Farmer Conferences, 75 Sustainable Yogic Farming Training Programs and several other such initiatives for the welfare of farmers will be held. Under Women: Flag Bearers of India, the initiatives will focus on social transformation through women empowerment and empowerment of girl child.
The Power of Peace Bus Campaign will cover 75 cities and Tehsils and will carry an exhibition on the positive transformation of today's youth. The Andekha Bharat Cycle Rally will be held to different heritage sites, drawing a connection between heritage and the environment.