New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the students and their parents on Friday in the fifth edition of the 'Pariksha Pe Charcha' event. In the annual event, PM Modi will interact with the students, parents and teachers across the nation and overseas. In the event, the Prime Minister talks about examination stress and related questions.
Amid the anticipation ahead of the event, Prime Minister Modi on Wednesday said that he is "looking forward to the programme". "The enthusiasm towards this year's Pariksha Pe Charcha has been phenomenal. Lakhs of people have shared their valuable insights and experiences. I thank all those students, parents and teachers who have contributed. Looking forward to the programme on 1st April," tweeted PM Modi.
PM Modi also shared snippets of a series of videos on his YouTube channel from his previous interaction during Pariksha Pe Charcha. These videos cover a wide gamut of issues pertaining to student life especially related to exams. The fifth edition of the annual event will be held in New Delhi in a town-hall interactive format from Talkatora Stadium at 11 am. Crores of students, teachers and parents from India and abroad will be participating, Union Education Minister Dharmendra Pradhan had said earlier.
Also Read:Enthusiasm towards this year's Pariksha Pe Charcha phenomenal: PM