New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday said that corruption has been feeding "Dynasty Politics" and dampening the spirit of the country. He was speaking at the diamond jubilee celebrations of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Dismissing the Opposition's allegations of the BJP misusing central agencies like the CBI, PM Modi asked the CBI personnel not to get distracted and assured them that the government will always stand strong in their fight against corruption.
Continuing with his attack against the opposition, Modi said corruption was at every phase of governance when the country was celebrating the golden jubilee of the CBI. This led to policy paralysis, led to less confidence among people and weakened the country, Modi said. However, after 2014 when the BJP government came to power, it was the aim of the government to fix this problem. Hence, the government focused on digitisation and ease of business. The government also cleansed up the banking system.
The prime duty of the CBI is to keep corruption away, PM Modi said adding that corruption is the root-cause of all kinds of crimes and all sorts of problems in the country. Going on with his corruption lessons to the opposition, Modi charged that subsidies meant for the poor were 'looted' by middlemen during the Congress regime. Hence, the BJP government came up with Direct Benefit Transfer, he claimed.