New Delhi: Stating that developed nations are responsible for the largest carbon emissions, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday said the various campaigns launched by the Centre as part of India's multi-faceted efforts are contributing in the conservation of environment. Speaking at the 'Save Soil Movement' programme, PM Modi said, "Many government schemes carry the message of environment conservation. Be it Swachh Bharat Mission, Namai Gange, or One Sun, One Grid." India's efforts are multi-faceted. Developed nations are responsible for the largest carbon emissions."
He said that India is making many efforts for environmental conservation even while India's contributions to carbon emissions are negligible. The Prime Minister further laid emphasis on the importance of "Soil Health Cards" in changing the mindset of the farmers. "Soil Health Cards are playing an important role in changing the mindset of our farmers. These cards provide farmers with the nutrient status of their soil and its composition. This is helping them decide what is needed for good soil health," PM Modi stated. He said that a huge campaign was launched to give Soil Health Cards to the farmers in the country when they were not aware of soil health.