New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said that efforts of the government for the last 6-7 years was to make the poor free from dependence on anyone. The prime minister made the remarks during his interaction with beneficiaries of Svamitva Yojana in Madhya Pradesh today via video conferencing.
Modi said that gone are the days when the poor had to run pillar to post in the government offices for everything. "Now the government itself is coming to the poor and empowering them. Now, money is being sent directly to the bank accounts of farmers under PM Kisan Samman Nidhi for small farming needs," he said.
He also cited Mudra Yojana as an example of making finances available to people through loans without collateral. He said in the last 6 years about 29 crore loans amounting to 15 lakh crore have been approved for the people. He said today 70 lakh self-help groups are working in the country and women are being connected with the banking system via Jan Dhan accounts. He also mentioned a recent decision to enhance the limit of loans without collateral to the self-help groups from 10 lakh to 20 lakh. Similarly, more than 25 lakh street vendors have received loans under the Svanidhi scheme.
The PM also distributed e-property cards to 1,71,000 beneficiaries under the scheme on the occasion. Addressing the gathering, the prime minister said though it is often said that the soul of India resides in villages, the potential of the villages was shackled even decades after the independence.
Also Read: PM Modi distributes e-property cards to 1,71,000 beneficiaries of Svamitva scheme in MP