New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday said that the first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution 'We the people' are a call, trust and oath. This spirit of the Constitution is the spirit of India that has been the mother of democracy in the world, he said while addressing the Constitution Day celebrations at the Supreme Court. The Constitution has embraced all the cultural and moral emotions of the nation, Modi said.
Speaking about the importance of Fundamental Duties in our Constitution PM Modi said that fulfilling fundamental duties should be the first priority of citizens to take the nation to greater heights as it marches ahead towards the centenary of its independence. "We, as Team India, should work towards enhancing India's prestige on the world stage and highlight the country's contribution to the world. This is our collective responsibility," Modi said and added that "we have to strengthen India's identity as the mother of democracy".
He said he is pleased to state that the country in the form of the mother of democracy is strengthening its ancient ideals and the spirit of the Constitution, and pro-people policies are empowering the poor and women of the country. "The first three words of the Preamble of the Constitution 'We the people' are a call, trust and oath. This spirit of the Constitution is the spirit of India that has been the mother of democracy in the world. In the modern time, the Constitution has embraced all the cultural and moral emotions of the nation," Modi said. The prime minister said that defying initial apprehensions about its stability, India is moving ahead with full force and taking pride in its diversity.