New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi Wednesday expressed condolences over the violence in West Bengal's Birbhum in which eight people were charred to death following the killing of Bhadu Sheikh, the TMC Panchayat leader.
"I express my condolences over Birbhum violence. I assure all possible help from the Centre to the state to book the culprits. I hope the state government takes strict action against the culprits and those who encourage such criminals should not be forgiven too," the PM said. So far, at least 22 people have been arrested in connection with the violence, a senior police officer said on Wednesday. The killing of Bhadu Sheikh, the TMC Panchayat leader, on Monday, is suspected to have sparked off the attack with petrol bombs on some 10 houses in Bogtui village on the outskirts of Rampurhat town. However, the police have not released any names of suspects who have been arrested.