Lucknow: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday night met Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath and his ministers instructing them to spend the maximum time in their areas while stressing on good governance. During the meeting held at the Chief Minister's residence at 5 Kalidas Marg, the prime minister instructed them to spend the maximum time in their areas, a senior leader present in the meeting said on the condition of anonymity.
Though details of the meeting were not made official, the leader said the prime minister presented his views on good governance and how to improve the performance of the government. The PM asked the ministers to ensure that benefits of government schemes reach common people, he said. The leader said Modi stressed that all ministers need to show dedication towards public service.
The PM stayed in the CM residence for about three and a half hours and discussed the issue of good governance and development with the ministers. Modi discussed with all the ministers one by one about their departments and future plans. After listening to their suggestions from the ministers, PM urged tehm to bring complete transparency in the working of the government and better coordination with the organization.