New Delhi :Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday called on President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan, for the first time after her assumption of office. "Prime Minister Narendra Modi called on President Droupadi Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan, first time after her assumption of office yesterday," Rashtrapati Bhavan tweeted. Former President Pratibha Devisingh Patil along with her daughter also met President Murmu at Rashtrapati Bhavan. Punjab Governor and Administrator of Chandigarh Banwarilal Purohit also called on President today.
Earlier on Monday, PM Modi described Droupadi Murmu taking over as India's President as a "watershed moment" for the country, especially for the poor, marginalised and downtrodden. The entire nation watched with pride as she took an oath, PM Modi said, wishing her the best for a fruitful tenure. Murmu on Monday became India's first tribal President. PM Modi also extended best wishes to Mumru for a fruitful Presidential tenure. The Prime Minister hailed Murmu's oath-taking speech and said she gave a message of hope and compassion.