New Delhi: Amid a huge surge in Covid-19 cases primarily pushed by the Omicron variant, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will interact with the Chief Ministers of all states on Thursday at 4:30 pm via video conferencing to review the situation. Earlier on Wednesday, Dr VK Paul, a NITI Aayog member, has also cautioned that the infection caused by the Omicron variant of coronavirus should not be considered common cold and people should not take it lightly.
"Omicron is replacing Delta variant of COVID-19 as it is highly transmissible. It should not be considered as the common cold. Normally, the transmission or expansion of the pandemic would take longer but this time it has been very rapid because of the high transmissibility," he said at the Health Ministry media briefing.
Mentioning a steep surge in coronavirus cases across India, Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry said, "A sharp surge in COVID cases in India. Emerging states of concern (reporting surge in COVID cases) are Maharashtra, West Bengal, Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, Kerala, and Gujarat."