New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday laid the foundation stone of Light House Projects (LHPs) under the Global Housing Technology Challenge-India (GHTC-India) via video conferencing.
Chief Ministers of Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat, Tripura and Andhra Pradesh also took part in the ceremony.
As per an earlier statement, LHPs will be constructed at Indore, Rajkot, Chennai, Ranchi, Agartala and Lucknow, comprising about 1,000 houses at each location along with allied infrastructure facilities.
"The LHPs showcase the best of new-age alternate global technologies, materials and processes in the construction sector for the first time in the country at such a large scale. They are being constructed under GHTC-India which envisages to provide an eco system for the adoption of innovative technologies in the housing construction sector in a holistic manner," the statement said.