New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday launched the 'MY Bharat' platform for youths and laid an e-foundation stone of an Amrit Mahotsav Smarak and Amrit Vatika at an event marking the culmination of the 'Meri Maati Mera Desh' campaign and with it, the Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav.
The prime minister offered soil into the Amrit Kalash during the event held at the Kartavya Path here and applied a 'tilak' on his forehead with the 'mitti'. The Amrit Kalash contains soil brought from different parts of the country. Union ministers Amit Shah, G Kishan Reddy, Arjun Ram Meghwal, Anurag Thakur, Meenakashi Lekhi and Nisith Pramanik were also present at the event.
Later, Modi and other leaders, along with the spectators, also took the 'Panch Pran' pledge. In his address, the prime minister said the occasion marks the closure of a "maha utsav" (grand festival) and also brings the resolve of a new beginning. Mera Yuva Bharat (MY Bharat) is an autonomous body which will help set the focus of the government on youth-led development and make the youths "active drivers" of development, the Union culture ministry said earlier.
The prime minister said 'My Bharat' will play a "big role" in nation-building in the 21st century. After the laying of the e-foundation stone of the Amrit Mahotsav Smarak and Amrit Vatika, a small video showcasing a digital version of the proposed memorial and garden was played. According to the video, the garden memorial will be dedicated to the scarifies made by the freedom fighters and bravehearts of the nation. This Amrit Vatika will be a "grand memorial" and the coming generations will be reminded of this historic occasion through the Amrit Mahotsav Smarak, the prime minister said.