New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday launched six customized crash course programmes for COVID-19 frontline workers under the Skill India scheme. Under the Customized Crash Course programme, the government will start 111 training centres spread over 26 states, the Prime Minister's Office said.
Launching the programmes via video conferencing, the Prime Minister said, "We have to be prepared for the upcoming challenges. With this, a campaign to prepare about one lakh frontline Corona Warriors is beginning in the country... A target has been set to train about one lakh youth in the country to support the current task force fighting the pandemic. This course will be completed in 2-3 months, so these people will also be available for work immediately," PM Modi stated.
He said the customised crash course programme will not only give new energy to the healthcare workers fighting against COVID but also provide employment opportunities for the youth. Under the special training program of frontline workers, candidates will get free training, a Skill India certificate, food and accommodation facility, stipend along with on-the-job training and accident insurance of Rs 2 lakh for certified candidates.
Read:Modi calls for 'repair and prepare' as India emerges from pandemic