New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday praised Indian shuttler Kidambi Srikanth for successfully leading Team India to their historic Thomas Cup victory. The Indian team scripted history on May 15 by winning the first-ever Thomas Cup crown since its inception in 1949. PM Modi held an interaction with the Indian contingent of Thomas and Uber Cup on Sunday and congratulated the shuttles for making the country proud.
On being asked by the PM about his mindset while leading Team India on such a big forum, Srikanth said, "Everyone was playing well, so my only aim was to bring all of us together as it was a team event and we had to play like a single unit. We used to have small discussions within ourselves about how to go about the game and I did not have to do much being a captain as everyone in the team had been doing good."
"It was a privilege for me to take Team India to the finals and I got to play the last decider game, which was really important. It was a big opportunity for me to represent India and I wanted to give my best," he added. PM Modi further congratulated Team India on behalf of the country for reaching such great heights and bringing the Thomas Cup home after 73 years.