New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday appealed to civil servants to be a watchdog over the utilisation of funds by the political parties across the country. Stating that a corrupt ecosystem had emerged in the country under the pretext of fake beneficiaries, Modi said, “During the previous governments there were more than four crore fake gas connections, more than four crore fake ration cards, and support was provided to one crore fictitious women and children by the Ministry of Women and Child Development. Even fake scholarships were offered to approximately 30 lakh youths by the Ministry of Minority Welfare, and lakhs of fake accounts were created under MGNREGA to transfer the benefits of workers, who never existed.”
Modi was addressing Civil Servants on the occasion of the 16th Civil Services Day in New Delhi on Friday. The Prime Minister conferred the Prime Minister’s Awards for Excellence in public administration and released e-books ‘Viksit Bharat - Empowering Citizens & Reaching the Last Mile' Volume I and II.
Modi credited the civil servants for the transformation that has taken place in the system where roughly Rs 3 lakh crore have been saved from landing in the wrong hands, which is now being used for the welfare of the poor. The Prime Minister emphasised that when time is limited, it becomes very critical to decide the direction and working style. “Today's challenge is not about efficiency but in figuring out how to find and remove deficiencies,” he said.
Also read:Adopt 'nation-first' approach to decision making: PM Modi to civil servants
“Earlier, the thinking was that the government will do everything, now the thinking is that the government will work for everyone,” said Modi highlighting the efficient use of time and resources to serve everyone. “Motto of the government is ‘Nation First-Citizen First’, today’s government’s priority is prioritising the deprived,” the Prime Minister remarked, informing that the government is going up to aspirational districts and aspirational blocks.
Asserting that young officers from the Civil Services are extremely fortunate to serve the nation in this 'Amrit Kaal', Modi said, “The responsibility to accomplish the dreams of every freedom fighter of the nation lies upon every shoulder.” The Prime Minister noted that the occasion of Civil Services Day this year becomes much more special as the nation has completed 75 years of its independence and is starting to move forward to achieve the goals and objectives of a developed India.
He highlighted the contributions of those civil servants, who joined the service 15-25 years ago and emphasised the role of young officers, who will contribute towards nation-building in the next 25 years of 'Amrit Kaal'. “India rising as the fifth largest economy in the world, taking strides in fintech as India is number one in digital transactions, one of the cheapest mobile data countries, and the third largest startup ecosystem in the world,” he said.
Also read:President, PM laud bureaucrats on Civil Services Day