New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Monday chaired a high-level meeting to review preparedness for the hot weather condition in the upcoming summer season and called for preparing separate awareness material for different stakeholders like common citizens, medical professionals, local body authorities and disaster response teams. According to the PM office, Modi was briefed about the India Meteorological Department's (IMD) weather forecast for the next few months and the likelihood of a normal monsoon and their impact on Rabi crops.
He was also briefed about the preparedness of medical infrastructure, disasters related to heat and mitigation measures. Officials attending the meeting were instructed to incorporate some multimedia lecture sessions in schools to sensitise children on dealing with extreme heat conditions. Modi said protocols and dos and don'ts for hot weather should be prepared in accessible formats, and various other modes of publicity like jingles, films and pamphlets should be prepared and issued.
"He was also briefed about the impact of weather on Rabi crops and the expected yield of major crops. The efforts underway to monitor irrigation water supply, fodder and drinking water were also reviewed. Further, Prime Minister was briefed about the preparedness of states and hospital infrastructure in terms of availability of required supplies and preparedness for emergencies," an official statement from the PM office said on Monday.
The Food Corporation of India was asked to take measures to ensure optimal storage of grains in extreme weather conditions, the PMO said, noting the prime minister was also briefed about the expected yield of major crops. Modi instructed India Meteorological Department to prepare daily weather forecasts in a manner that makes predictions easy to interpret and disseminate.