New Delhi:Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday, has expressed his condolence over the death of the lone survivor of the chopper crash, in which 13 armed forces personnel included CDS General Bipin Rawat were killed. PM Modi tweeted: "Group Captain Varun Singh served the nation with pride, valour, and utmost professionalism. I am extremely anguished by his passing away."
"His (Singh's) rich service to the nation will never be forgotten. Condolences to his family and friends. Om Shanti," he added.
Meanwhile, President Kovind has also extended his condolence to Varun Singh's family over his death on Wednesday. "Sad to learn that Group Captain Varun Singh breathed his last after putting up a valiant fight for life. Though badly injured in the chopper crash, he displayed the soldierly spirit of valour and indomitable courage. The nation is grateful to him. My condolences to his family,", tweeted President Kovind
Rahul Gandhi, a member of the Indian Parliament, has also expressed his grief over Captain Varun Singh's death Tweeting: "This is a sad moment for the country. We all are with you in this grief".
Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah also tweeted his condolence today.