Gandhinagar (Gujarat): Dedicating a building of Rashtriya Raksha University(RRU), the Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saturday said the perception of the people on uniformed personnel has changed over time from being scared to feeling safe. He made these remarks while delivering the first convocation address of the RRU which was set up to meet the need for high quality trained manpower in various wings of policing, criminal justice and correctional administration.
The PM observed the support network of joint family for police personnel in dealing with the stress of the job was shrinking. He emphasized need for experts to deal with stress and relaxation including yoga experts in the forces. “Stress-free training activities is need of the hour for strengthening the country's security apparatus”, he said.
The notion of internal security during the colonial time was based on instilling fear among the masses for keeping peace for the colonial masters. It was very different as the security forces had more time to prepare which is no longer so as technology and transportation and communication has improved so much. Today’s policing requires skills like negotiating and other soft skills that are needed to function in a democratic scenario, Modi said.
Watch: PM Modi visits his mother Heeraben Modi in Gandhinagar
Stressing the need to change the image of police and security personnel, the PM observed that depiction of police in the popular culture has been in negative. “Post-independence, there was a need of reforms in the country's security apparatus. A perception was developed that we have to be careful of the uniformed personnel. But it has transformed now. When people see uniformed personnel now, they get the assurance of help,” Modi said.