New Delhi: In a strong message to BJP Members of Parliament, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said that nepotism would not be allowed in the party. Addressing the first meeting of the BJP parliamentary party after its resounding victory in Assembly polls in four states, the Prime Minister took the responsibility of denying tickets to family members of MPs in the recent state polls. All the former national presidents of the party welcomed Prime Minister Modi and BJP chief J.P. Nadda with garlands and congratulated them for the victory.
BJP sources said: "Prime Minister Modi told the MPs that if anyone's family member was denied a ticket, it was his responsibility and that nepotism would not be allowed in the party. The BJP will fight against nepotism and dynasty politics in the other political parties." Referring to the recent Assembly polls, the Prime Minister said that politics of caste is ending. "Prime Minister said that 'jativaad ki rajneeti' (politics of caste) is coming to end," a BJP MP said.
It is further learnt that Prime Minister Modi criticised chief ministers of opposition-ruled states for politicising the evacuation of Indian nationals from Ukraine. "Prime Minister said that instead of consoling people, chief ministers of opposition-ruled states are writing letters to the Centre to evacuate students from their state first. He also said that the only BJP has reached out to the family members of Indian citizens stranded in Ukraine," another BJP MP said.