New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi Tuesday invoked legendary hockey player Major Dhyan Chand while launching the second phase of domestic gas connection scheme Ujjwala from Mahoba in Bundelkhand region of India’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh. In his address, Prime Minister Modi made extensive references to locally important factors such as festivals, sons of soils, development work carried out by the Centre in the region and the State to connect with the audience.
Recalling the launch of the first phase of the Ujjwala scheme which also took place in Ballia district in Eastern Uttar Pradesh in 2016, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said the scheme was launched from the land of Mangal Pandey, the pioneer of the country’s freedom struggle. "Today, the second edition of the Ujjwala scheme is being launched from Mahoba in UP, the land of brave hearts. Be it Mahoba or Bundelkhand, it has always been the source of energy in the country's freedom struggle."
"Every speck of this place is laced with the fragrance of the stories of brave hearts such as Rani Lakshmibai, Rani Durgavati, Raja Chhatrasal, Veer Alha and Udal among others," said the Prime Minister. "Friends, today, I remember one more great son of Bundelkhand. Major Dhyan Chand, Our Dadda (elder brother) Dhyan Chand."
Prime Minister Modi said now the name of the highest sports award in the country has been renamed as Major Dhyan Chand Khel Ratna Award. "I am fully confident that the association of Dadda's name (Dhyan Chand's name) with the sports award at a time of an unprecedented performance by our young friends in Olympics will encourage millions and millions of youth," PM Modi told the audience while remembering the legendary hockey player.