New Delhi: Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu got emotional during the Rajya Sabha session on Monday while delivering the farewell speech two days ahead of his retirement. Naidu got teary-eyed after TMC MP Derek O Brien reminisced some old memories with him. The retiring VP was also reminded of the long way he has scaled to reach where he is, with a reminder by O Brien as to how he lost his mother at the age of one and still managed to make the best of his life.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday lauded the retiring Vice President and Rajya Sabha Chairman for the multiple roles he played in his long political career. Highlighting that Naidu has always worked for the youth and given opportunities to young members of the House, PM Modi said, “As Vice President outside the House, you spent more than 25 per cent of your time with the youth. Your efforts as a party worker, as party president and as a Union minister will always be remembered.”
"There is both depth and substance in what Venkaiah ji says," the PM said while initiating the farewell speech to honour the Vice President. Lauding the power of speech of the vice President, the PM further said, "The one-liners of Venkaiah Naidu ji are famous. They are wit-liners. His command over the languages has always been great."