New Delhi:Amid opposition furore over the bitcoin scam in Karnataka, Chief Minister Basavaraj S Bommai on Thursday met Prime Minister Narendra Modi here, and said he has been asked to work with loyalty and boldness in the interest of the people of the state and "not to worry".
Bommai, who is on a two-day visit to the national capital, met Modi for 30 minutes at his Lok Kalyan Marg residence and discussed in detail many issues especially related to administrative steps taken in the last 100 days after taking over as chief minister of Karnataka.
Asked if the bitcoin scam was discussed, the Karnataka chief minister told reporters after the meeting, "I tried to share about it. He (Modi) said not to worry...He told me to work with loyalty and boldness in the interest of people, rest everything will be fine".
Bitcoins are not recognised as legal tender in many countries, including India. A bitcoin scam has recently jostled the Karnataka government.