New Delhi:The Delhi High Court Monday said that prima facie, a suit filed by several doctors' associations against Yoga guru Ramdev for allegedly spreading misinformation against allopathy amid the COVID-19 pandemic deserves consideration and cannot be “thrown out” at the first stage.
Justice C Hari Shankar said at the present stage, it only needs “to see if allegations in the plaint make out a case to be entertained”.
“The allegations may be right or maybe wrong. He may say he did not say any such thing... It needs to be looked into,” said the judge.
“Prime facie, it appears that the present suit can't be thrown out at the threshold without granting leave to institute the suit,” said the court which had earlier sought Ramdev's stand on the institution of the proceeding.
The court listed the matter on October 27 to enable the counsel for Ramdev to make his submissions.
Three Resident Doctors' Association of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences at Rishikesh, Patna and Bhubaneshwar as well as Association of Resident Doctors, Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh; Union of Resident Doctors of Punjab (URDP); Resident Doctors' Association, Lala Lajpat Rai Memorial Medical College, Meerut, and Telangana Junior Doctors' Association, Hyderabad had moved the high court earlier this year.
They alleged that Ramdev was misleading and misrepresenting to the public at large that allopathy was responsible for the deaths of several people infected by COVID-19, and insinuating that allopathic doctors were causing the deaths of the patients.
Senior counsel Akhil Sibal, representing the associations, said that amid a pandemic, the Yog Gugu made unsubstantiated claims on Coronil being a cure for COVID-19, contrary to the licence granted to the drug for merely being an “Immuno-booster”.
The senior counsel claimed that Ramdev's statements were not “bonafide opinions” but were made for marketing and commercial use.