New Delhi: The Press Club of India (PCI) on Tuesday deplored the alleged attack on journalists during a 'Hindu Mahapanchayat' at Burari Grounds here and demanded "immediate" arrest of the perpetrators. It also condemned the arrest of three journalists in Uttar Pradesh's Ballia district in connection with a class 12 examination paper leak case, alleging that police made them the accused while they had "exposed" the paper leak. The PCI demanded immediate release of the three Ballia-based journalists.
The Delhi Police has registered an FIR against two Twitter handles, one of a journalist and another a news portal, for allegedly inciting hatred between communities after they claimed that scribes were manhandled during the controversial 'Hindu Mahapanchayat' event held on April 3. In a tweet, Delhi-based journalist Meer Faisal, who works with a news portal, had alleged that he along with a fellow journalist were beaten up by a "Hindu mob" because of their "Muslim identity".
The news portal, "Article 14", had also posted a tweet on the same day alleging that "five journalists, four of them Muslim, one on assignment for the said news portal, were taken to the Mukherji Nagar police station after a mob at the event discovered their religion, attacked them and deleted videos". Police, however, denied any detention.
Two FIRs were though lodged on complaints of some other journalists that they were assaulted. Speaking at the Mahapanchayat, controversial priest Yati Narsinghanand had allegedly exhorted Hindus to take up arms to fight for their existence, saying "50 per cent of Hindus will convert" in 20 years if a Muslim becomes the prime minister of the country. The Delhi Police booked Narsinghanand along with other speakers for allegedly making hate speeches at the event.
"The Press Club of India condemns the way five journalists were attacked during the Hindu Mahapanchayat held on April 3 at Delhi's Burari Grounds as highly deplorable," the PCI said in a statement. It is also sad on the part of the Delhi Police that it remained a mute spectator and did not arrest "the culprits involved in the Burari attack", the journalists' body said.