Hyderabad: Telangana Home Minister Mahmood Ali on Thursday extended the payment deadline for concessional pending traffic challans in the state by another 15 days. "We had given this opportunity from March 1. As the response from Telangana people was very good, we would like to extend the deadline till April 15," Mahmood Ali said. This means that pending invoices can be paid at a discount rate until April 15.
Payment deadline for pending traffic challans in T'gana extended till April 15
"We had given this opportunity from March 1. As the response from Telangana people was very good, we would like to extend the deadline till April 15," Home Minister Mahmood Ali said.
Payment deadline for pending traffic challans in T'gana extended till April 15
So far, 2.40 crore challans have been disbursed across the state, the Home Minister informed. He said that the government earned Rs 250 crores revenue from the challans. Mahmood Ali urged those who have not yet been able to pay the challans to take advantage of this opportunity.
Also read: Telangana: Discount on traffic challans draws massive response, Rs 39 crore in 3 days
Last Updated : Mar 31, 2022, 7:11 PM IST