Mumbai: Shahrukh Khan on Sunday hinted at a 'bigger, better Pathaan 2' while speaking at a press conference held to celebrate the success of his latest blockbuster movie Pathaan. Khan thanked his fans for all the love that the movie has received. "All of you who are showering us with so much love today through this event, I thank you all on behalf of Deepika, John, Sid, and Kjo. I want to say a big thank you for all the love you have given to Pathaan," King Khan said while speaking to his audience. He thanked everyone who supported the movie despite 'all the problems that came its way'.
"It is a big day for me, my family, my co-actors, and friends. Fortunately or unfortunately, celebrities' personal lives get entangled with their professional lives. And we have not seen such good times in a long time. So Inshahallah, I am thankful for this opportunity that came my way. I am thankful to the makers of this film and everyone who worked for it," Khan said.
Showering praises at Khan, John Abraham, who played the antagonist in the movie, said, "The way Pathaan has been mounted, it is amazing, Shahrukh Khan is not an actor anymore, he is an emotion." Praising King Khan and his element that he continues to flaunt 'even at this age', John Abraham said that he feels grateful to have worked with Shahrukh. Abraham also said that the action sequences in the movie performed by Shahrukh were also effortless.
Shahrukh Khan, owing the success of the movie to his fans, said that they have been his greatest support. "I am lucky to have the love that all of you give to me. I come to my balcony when I am sad and I go there when I am sad," Shahrukh said while referring to his balcony Mannat's balcony in Mumbai, from where he generally waves and talks to his fans.