New Delhi: Congratulating the newly-appointed cabinet minister Pashupati Kumar Paras, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Sunday said he will pave the way for the progress of farmers and entrepreneurs through innovations. Earlier on Sunday, Union Food Processing Industries Minister and Lok Janshakti Party leader Pashupati Kumar Paras met Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla at his residence. Birla extended good wishes to Paras for his new responsibility. He said, "Food processing sector is full of possibilities. Pashupati Kumar Paras will pave the way for the progress of farmers and entrepreneurs through innovations."
On Thursday, Paras took charge as Union Minister of Food Processing Industries in Prime Minister Narendra Modi's cabinet. "I thank Prime Minister Modi for entrusting me with the responsibility of Ministry of Food Processing Industries," he told media agencies. Forty-three ministers, including seven who were elevated as cabinet ministers, took the oath of office at a function at Rashtrapati Bhavan in the first reshuffle and expansion of the BJP-led Central government's second term.