New Delhi:Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla has adjourned the House till Tuesday amid ruckus by the Opposition Members who have been insisting on a statement from the Prime Minister. Similar scenes unfolded in Rajya Sabha which was chaired by its Chairman Jagdeep Dhanka,r who adjourned it till 2 pm, had to again stall the proceedings till 2.30 pm over opposition MPs' protest. He dismissed the requests from the Opposition to have a debate under Rule 267 of the House.
Delhi Services bill not introduced-The Monsoon session of Parliament resumed its sitting on Monday at 11 am and was more turbulent than last week which saw many disruptions. Amid speculations that the government will introduce a bill in the Lok Sabha to replace the Delhi services ordinance to circumvent a Supreme Court order, the Bill has not been listed in the list of businesses of the House yet.
What it provides for?The Bill -- the Government of National Capital Territory of Delhi (Amendment) Bill -- has become a rallying point for the ruling AAP in Delhi to get the Opposition throw its weight against the Narendra Modi-led government. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has strongly condemned the government's decision to bring about a legislation to validate the ordinance promulgated in this regard. The INDIA grouping constituents have criticised the ordinance.
Business so far-It is pertinent to note that the government has listed 13 draft legislations for consideration and passing in the Lok Sabha even as a notice by the Congress moving a no-confidence motion is admitted and remain pending before the House. In the current session, the Lok Sabha has passed five bills after brief discussions amid loud sloganeering from the Opposition demanding the Prime Minister's statement on Manipur. The Rajya Sabha passed three bills, including the Cinematograph (Amendment) Bill, last week.
Manipur visit-A delegation of MPs from the opposition coalition INDIA, now led by the Congress, visited the ethnic-strife torn Manipur over the last weekend and have presented a memorandum to the Manipur Governor Anusuiya Uikey, pressing a charter of demands aimed at bringing back peace and normalcy in the north eastern state.
Not Shah but Modi- To end the deadlock in Parliament over the violence in Manipur, Home Minister Amit Shah has offered that he was willing to reply to a discussion in both Houses. The offer was rejected by the Opposition which have stuck to their original demand for a comprehensive statement by Prime Minister Narendra Modi and a debate without any time limits.
The Opposition moved a no-confidence motion against the government as its final bid to make PM Modi speak in Parliament on the ethnic violence in Manipur.