New Delhi:The Rajya Sabha got adjourned within minutes after it commenced its proceedings amid heavy sloganeering at 2 pm. The Finance Bill was passed and returned by the Upper House in those few minutes. The Lok Sabha got adjourned after papers were thrown at Speaker Om Birla amid the ruckus. The Speaker then adjourned the House till 4 pm saying that he wants to run the House with 'dignity'.
The Jammu and Kashmir Appropriation (No 2) Bill, 2023 was considered and returned as well amid the din. The Bill was earlier passed by the Lok Sabha last week. The Bill aims to authorize payment and appropriation of certain sums from the Consolidated Fund of the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmir for the financial year 2023-24.
Earlier in the day. both Houses of Parliament got adjourned amid ruckus over the 'Adani' issue. The Congress MPs came to the Parliament in 'black' in protest against Rahul Gandhi's disqualification. Earlier in the day, leaders of like-minded Opposition parties held a meeting at Leader of Opposition Mallikarjun Kharge's office to chalk out their strategy in the Parliament on Monday.
This was followed by a Congress Legislative Party meeting in which former Congress chief Sonia Gandhi also participated. Meanwhile, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a meeting with top Cabinet ministers ahead of the day's proceedings in Parliament.
Also read:Rahul Gandhi's disqualification: Congress MPs wear 'black' in protest
Amid the ruckus, Parliament approved the Union Budget for 2023-24 with the Lok Sabha passing the Finance Bill as amended by the Rajya Sabha. The amendment to the Finance Bill 2023 was moved by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to correct an error with regard to the tax rate on Securities Transaction Tax. Its passage marks the completion of the budgetary exercise for 2023-24 following which Rama Devi, who was in the Chair, adjourned the House for the day.
The Parliament entered into its third week of logjam as the Opposition tried to attack the ruling government over the Adani issue ever since the Hindenburg report on the global agglomerate became public. The BJP MPs on the other hand cornered former Congress MP Rahul Gandhi against his 'democracy in danger' speech in London.
The erstwhile Wayanad MP was even called a traitor like Mir Zafar by the saffron brigade who accused him of discussing the country's internal issues at a global forum. The ruling BJP has asked for an apology from Rahul Gandhi for his comments which the Congress firmly denied.
Also read:Priyanka Gandhi slams BJP for 'traitor, Mir Jafar' comments on Rahul
In a major blow to the opposition party, Rahul Gandhi was disqualified on Friday, a day after he was held guilty by a Surat court in the 'Modi surname' criminal defamation case. Rahul has stood firm saying that he will not back down from his 'tapasya' (spiritual path) come what may. Speaking about BJP's demand for apology he said that his name is not Savarkar and hence he won't apologise.
Also read:I'm not Savarkar to apologise. I'm Gandhi: Rahul