New Delhi:At the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) parliamentary meeting on Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a strong objection to a tweet by Trinamool Congress (TMC) MP Derek O'Brien comparing the passing of legislation to making of a "papri chaat". Speaking to reporters, Union Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pralhad Joshi said that the Prime Minister told the BJP MPs that by using this language TMC has insulted the Parliament and people of the country who have elected MPs.
"Prime Minister was anguished at the language used. This happened for the first time as well that these people snatch papers from the minister's hand and don't apologise for doing so. This shows arrogance on part of the opposition," said Joshi while quoting the Prime Minister.
Union Minister V Muraleedharan said though PM Modi started the parliamentary party meet with happy news of the GST collection of Rs 1.16 lakh crores and medals in the Tokyo Olympics, he was pained and anguished at the actions of the opposition. "A tweet by senior MP about the passage of bills is derogatory of the proceedings and against the esteem of the elected representatives of the country. The Prime Minister also mentioned that we will not let any stone unturned to fulfil the commitment to the people of the country," the minister added.
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