New Delhi: Following a stormy session of Parliament on July 19 over the Pegasus snooping row, the Opposition's furore in both Houses continued on Tuesday too. As the Opposition stalled proceedings, the Rajya Sabha was adjourned thrice till 1 pm while the Lok Sabha was adjourned till 2 pm. The Houses met for the day at 11 am only to be adjourned a few minutes later. Opposition leaders sloganeered intensely and sought suspension of business to discuss the snooping issue. Rajya Sabha Chairman M Venkaiah Naidu said there were 15 notices on various issues and many for Zero Hour.
When the Upper House reconvened at 1 PM after two adjournments, YSR Congress members led by V Vijaysai Reddy trooped in the well shouting slogans, "We want justice. We want special status to Andhra Pradesh."
Deputy Chairman Harivansh Narayan Singh asked protesting members several times to go back to their seats and allow the debate on the COVID-19 pandemic. Leader of the House Piyush Goyal appealed to the protesting members to allow discussion on the important issue that has affected the entire humanity. "I would like to appeal to allow the House to discuss this very important subject that is affecting the whole world today. Entire country is watching us, watching this debate on Covid. Request you to discuss this important matter," he said. However, the protesting members did not yield to the Deputy Chairman's request to keep the House in order and continued shouting standing in the Well.
Also read:Media reports on Pegasus of no substance: IT Minister