Dakshina Kannada (Karnataka):Karnataka Home Minister Araga Jnanendra on Monday said that the CBI closure report on Hindu youth Paresh Mesta will be reviewed for reinvestigation. "The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a B-report in the Paresh Mesta case. However, Mesta's father has asked for a reinvestigation of the case. The government is reviewing to take a call on reinvestigation," minister Jnanendra stated.
He further stated that it is a necessity that the suspicious death of Paresh Mesta has to be reviewed and the exact cause should be ascertained. Mesta's father and locals claim it to be a case of murder, he added. According to the charge sheet, the Hindu youth died after slipping into the lake, while wandering when communal clashes were underway in Honnavara town of the Uttara Kannada district of Karnataka in 2017. The charge sheet mentioned that Paresh Mesta had attended the then CM Siddaramaiah's programme in Kumta city after travelling about 25 km with his friends.
Paresh Mesta, who went missing on December 6, 2017, during the communal clashes in Honnavar town, was found dead near Shettikere lake after two days. Ruling BJP and Hindu activists alleged that Paresh was killed in the mob violence and killers dumped the body later. The BJP, which was in the opposition then, had launched a full-fledged agitation against the ruling Congress then. The ruling Congress government suffered a setback due to the agitation in the assembly elections of 2018.