Chennai: AIADMK leader Edappady K Palaniswami (EPS) on Thursday moved the Madras High Court against a single judge order dated August 17, which directed for maintaining the status quo as of June 23, thereby nullifying the party's July 11 general council meet where his rival O Panneerselvam was removed from all posts while EPS was picked as the interim general secretary.
Describing himself as joint coordinator/party headquarters secretary of the AIADMK, Palaniswami filed the appeal, which prayed the court to grant an interim stay of Justice G Jayachandran's order, pending disposal of this original side appeal. The appeal cited OPS, the first respondent in the appeal, as co-ordinator/treasurer of the AIADMK party EPS' senior counsel made a mention before a division bench of Justices M Duraiswamy and Sundar Mohan this morning and as advised by the bench, Palaniswami filed the appeal later.
Among other things, EPS contended in his appeal that by granting an order of status quo ante as of June 23, the single judge has virtually interfered with the decisions taken in the general council meetings held on June 23 and July 11 and the same is directly in contravention of the order of the Supreme Court dated July 6 this year passed against the order of a division bench of this court, which had placed restrictions on the GC meeting held on June 23. The SC has ultimately stayed the operation of this order, he pointed out.
The single judge's order has completely disregarded the order of the SC, which has passed an order in respect of the GC meeting dated June 23 and has proceeded to hold that the status quo ante as on that date is to be restored. The reliefs sought by OPS in the Original Application had already become infructuous as on the date of the hearing of the application and he had not sought any amendment of any relief or had filed a fresh application. In such circumstances, the judge ought to have dismissed the Original Application in limine.