New Delhi:Delhi High Court was on Thursday informed by the MCD commissioner that the civic body had paid salaries and pensions to employees and retired staff members till December and the payment for January would be cleared soon. The Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) commissioner, who was asked to appear before the court following non-payment of salaries and pensions for the past few months, said they would be careful in the future. He said all the employees, including Class III, Class IV and teachers had been paid till December.
A bench of Chief Justice Satish Chandra Sharma and Justice Subramonium Prasad noted the submission made by the MCD commissioner and listed the matter for further hearing after four weeks. On January 30, the high court termed non-payment of salaries to MCD employees and pensioners "unfortunate" and directed the civic body's commissioner and senior officers of the city government to appear before it. It had noted that Class III and Class IV employees, teachers and other employees of the MCD were not paid salaries despite an assurance given to the court by the authorities from time to time.