Firozabad (UP):A Pradeshik Armed Constabulary (PAC) jawan on Friday lodged a complaint with police against a man, who allegedly threatened his daughter to change her religion and marry him. SP Dehat Kunwar Ran Vijay Singh on Sunday told media persons that, "the accused was identified as Shahrukh alias Vihaan, a resident of Amroha district, and the accused befriended the victim through Facebook. Shahrukh had threatened the victim and said that he would behead her and her brother if she does not marry him."
PAC jawan's daughter receives threats of beheading and pressure to marry
SP Dehat Kunwar Ran Vijay Singh said the accused was identified as Shahrukh alias Vihaan, a resident of Amroha district, befriended the victim through Facebook.
Also read:Case registered over alleged conversions in UP's Meerut
"Shahrukh came to meet me on September 24 and threatened to kill me and my family and he also warned of posting the pictures he had captured with me. He had asked me to marry him and change my religion, but when I denied it, he started threatening me," the victim said, a resident of a village under the Shikohabad police station area of the district. The police launched a probe into the incident and the accused is absconding. Later, police launched a man-hunt to nab the accused, said the SP.