Hyderabad :AIMIM chief Asaduddin Owaisi appeals to the people to ensure peaceful Friday prayers and said that their "biggest demand" of getting BJP leader T Raja Singh detained and suspended over his remarks on Prophet Mohammad has been fulfilled. Earlier on Thursday, protests erupted in Telangana following the alleged remarks by the suspended BJP leader on Prophet Mohammed. Singh has been detained under the Preventive Detention Act (PD Act) and is being lodged in Central Prison, Cheriapally, said Hyderabad Police on Thursday.
"I also urge all of you to not raise any such slogans after the Friday prayers, which may hamper the country's harmony... Let peace prevail," Owaisi said in a press conference in Hyderabad. "Our biggest demand - of getting him arrested - has been fulfilled under PD Act. I urge all to ensure peaceful Friday prayers tomorrow," he added.
Also Read-AIMIM seeks expulsion of BJP MLA Raja Singh from Assembly, Owaisi says will protest till his arrest
Suspended BJP MLA T Raja Singh has been detained under the Preventive Detention Act (PD Act) and is being lodged in Central Prison, Cheriapally, said Hyderabad Police on Thursday. According to the police, 101 criminal cases were registered against the suspended BJP leader who was "involved in 18 communal offences".