Mumbai: Former chairman of Tata Group, industrialist Cyrus Mistry died in an accident on Sunday in the Palghar district in Mumbai. The accident has been reported to have occurred near the Surya river bridge on the Mumbai Ahmedabad highway. Mistry and his friend Jehangir Pandole were killed on the spot in the accident, while the lady doctor Anayata Pandole who was at the wheel while her husband Darius Pandole who was at the front co-passenger seat were injured.
According to the police, there was no CCTV camera at the spot of the accident, and no cameras were installed in his car either. The exact circumstances and reasons for the accident are being investigated. However, a video was recorded at a distance of about 20 km from the site of the accident, at the Charauti check post at 2:21 pm on Sunday. From what is estimated from the recordings and the time of the accident, the probing officers estimate that the car covered a distance of 20 km in just 9 minutes, implying the car carrying Mistry was running at an exceptional speed of about 134 km/h.
While the preliminary information has revealed that the Mercedes car rammed into a divider, the police also suspect overspeeding and lack of safety measures like seatbelts for the accident. Police also revealed that both Mistry and Jahangir, who lost their lives in the accident, were sitting in the back and were not wearing seat belts. After the car hit the divider, the front airbags deployed, but the rear airbags did not deploy as the seatbelts were not worn. They are also trying to speculate any possibilities of road defects that might have led to the accident, while the car driver is also on their interrogation target.