New Delhi:Over Rs, 6.9 crore have been allotted for organizing ceremonies such as the Republic Day Parade and the Beating Retreat Ceremony in the last five years, the Defence Ministry informed the Lok Sabha on Friday. The information was shared through a written reply by MoS (Defense) Ajay Bhatt in reply to a question raised by BSP MP, Haji Fazlur Rehman asking for details of the expenditure on organizing the Republic Day Parade and Beating Retreat Ceremony in Delhi during the last five years and the current year.
According to the statistics provide by the MoS the allocation of budget to Ceremonials division of Department of Defence for conduct of all kinds of Ceremonial events during the Financial Year in the last five years is Rs 1,53,62,000 in in 2018, 1,39,65,000 in 2019 and 1,32,53,000 each in 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23.
"The expenditure on making various arrangements for the Republic Day Ceremony is borne by the respective participating/executing organizations/agencies from their own budget allocations and is not compiled or exhibited under one Head of account. However, the allocation of the Ceremonials Division of the Ministry of Defence for the Financial Year 2022-2023 is Rs.1,32,53,000/- for all ceremonial functions during the year," stated the MoS.
However, Bhatt did not give a direct reply as to the expenditure incurred by the Government organizing the Republic Day Parade and beating Retreat Ceremony in Delhi during the last five years and the current year. "The expenditure on making various arrangements for the Republic Day Ceremony is borne by the respective participating / executing organizations / agencies from their own budget allocations and is not compiled or exhibited under one Head of account," stated Bhatt.
As for the total revenue generated from the sale of tickets for the said functions during the period, MoS stated that in 2018, an amount of Rs. 34,90,000 was collected via tickets in 2018, Rs. 34,34,264 in 2019, Rs. 34,72,990. in 2020, Rs. 10,12,860 in 2021, Rs.1,14,500 in 2022 while the total amount collected from the sale of tickets in 2023 is Rs. 28,36,980. "However, tickets which got cancelled due to system error, refund of the amount is under process," he added.