New Delhi:Over 56 per cent of Indian prisoners lodged in foreign jails are in the Gulf countries, government data presented in the Lok Sabha showed. As many as 8,437 Indian prisoners, including undertrials, are lodged in various jails around the world, the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said on Friday. The information came in as a written response from the Minister of State in the MEA, V Muraleedharan while replying to a question from Indian Union Muslim League (IUML) MP Dr. M. P. Abdussamad inquiring about details of expatriate convicts and undertrials lodged in prisons in foreign countries.
As per the information shared by the MoS, a total of 8,437 Indian prisoners, including undertrials, are lodged in various jails around the world with the maximum lodged in Gulf countries with 4,795 Indian prisoners lodged there.
According to the details provided by the MoS, 1,966 Indian prisoners are lodged in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) followed by 1,362 in Saudi Arabia, 682 in Qatar, 428 in Kuwait, 265 in Bahrain, and 92 in Oman. All of these countries are members of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC).