New Delhi: More than 50 per cent of the people agree with the view that revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir has led to a permanent solution to the vexed issues facing J&K, according to the ABP-C Voter Modi 2.0 Report Card.
The ABP-C Voter survey suggests that more than 55 per cent people in the urban areas agree that revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir has led to a permanent solution for J&K, while close to 50 per cent of respondents in the rural areas hold similar views.
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As per the survey, 30.4 per cent of respondents disagreed with the view that abrogation of Article 370 has solved the J&K issue, including 30.2 per cent in urban areas and 30.5 per cent in the rural parts of the country.