New Delhi: Over 2.86 lakh anganwadi centres across the country do not have functional toilets and about 1.64 lakh lack drinking water facilities, the government informed Parliament on Wednesday. Responding to a question in Rajya Sabha, Women and Child Development Minister Smriti Irani also said that more than 1.32 lakh anganwadi centres are running in "semi-pucca" buildings.
"As on June 30, 2021, of the total 13,89,110 operational anganwadi centres, 12,55,675 centres are running in pucca buildings, 1,64,783 do not have drinking water facilities and 2,86,310 do not have toilet facilities," she said in a written response. According to the data shared by her, 1,32,478 anganwadi centres are running in semi-pucca buildings. A semi-pucca structure is one, of which either the roof or the wall but not both is made of pucca materials like burnt bricks, stone, cement, or concrete. In Arunachal Pradesh, all 6,225 anganwadi centres are operating in semi-pucca buildings, the data showed.