Hyderabad: Outgoing Vice President, M Venkaiah Naidu will be known for the record of having visited every state and union territory of the country during his 5-year tenure. During his tenure, Naidu participated in more than a thousand events where he launched various government and private sector projects.
Meanwhile, Rajya Sabha members will bid farewell to Venkaiah Naidu who is completing his term as Vice President on the 10th of this month. Along with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, leaders of various parties and other members will speak on his role as Rajya Sabha Chairman for five years. Another farewell program is being organized on behalf of the members of the Rajya Sabha at the GMC Balayogi Auditorium in the Parliament premises. PM Modi will participate in it and present a memento to Venkaiah Naidu.
Deputy Chairman Harivamsh will deliver the farewell speech. The Prime Minister will release a book with a collection of various events that took place during Venkaiah Naidu's regime. Jagdeep Dhankhar, the newly elected Vice President, along with his wife Sudesh met Venkaiah Naidu at his residence on Sunday.