Bengaluru (Karnataka):The mortal remains of former Union Minister Oscar Fernandes was airlifted from Mangaluru to Bengaluru on Wednesday. The body was ferried from Fr Muller Hospital in Mangaluru to the city's airport from where the body was taken to Bengaluru on a special flight. About 40 people, including Congress leaders and Oscar's family members, boarded this special flight to Bengaluru.
The Congress veteran's mortal remains will be kept for public homage at the KPCC office in Bengaluru on Thursday. National Congress leaders, including Rahul Gandhi, are expected to arrive at Bengaluru on Thursday to pay their last respects to Oscar Fernandes. The funeral is scheduled to be held at St Patrick's Church, Bengaluru on Thursday.
Former union minister and senior Congress leader Oscar Fernandes, 80, passed away on Monday. He was admitted to Yenapoya hospital in Mangaluru after he suffered critical injuries in an accident, earlier this year. Fernandes was receiving treatment at an Intensive Care Unit at Yenepoya since July. The leader had undergone surgery at the hospital and went into a coma.